Archive for July, 2012

Garden is looking fantabulous! July heat= yes.

Beanpole and corn teepee!

Finally that Seattle heat that we all know is possible and love immensely. The garden is looking good with tons of squashes, greens, potatoes, tomatoes, and more. Our hops have really taken off that were planted years before- Orca Ale anyone? We have a bunch of lettuce for the food bank too, so we can keep our great connection with Rainier Valley Food Bank. The beanpole teepee is looking fabulous- with kids stepping in it for the first time this summer. First Base Daycare is here in the Summer and some of them got a special tour and tasting today.

Holy rasberries!

The garden has had a rough summer so far- it’s been wet & cold and rather strange- BUT it’s coming back strong now and we will a ton of food for eating this September when school starts. We will also have many herbs and other medicinal plants to use for activities. But for now…..carrots!

yum yum


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